Sunday, 30 January 2011

Sunday 30th January 2011

We have had another pyjama day today :-)
I have watched some films curled up on the sofa, played some games, and with some toys. I have hassled the cats, ALL day (poor cats) every time they have tried to go to sleep, i have got them up to have a cuddle and every time mummy has said to leave them alone, i haven't listened and have woken them up to have a cuddle. I'm very lucky they don't scratch me more than they do really. Echo is silly, she will just sit there and let me cuddle her, hold her still, make her sit up, she will just let me.

Saturday 29th January 2011

I was very pleased there was no school today and told mummy that i didn't want to go out, all day. I stayed in my pyjamas all day too.
When Tom went to work, me and mummy sat and watched a film, i went to bed a little later than normal (only 7.30)

Friday 28th January 2011

After school today, i fell asleep quite quickly on the bus, mummy thinks it has taken it out of me, going back after being off and poorly. When we got home, i had dinner, but i kept messing around and not eating. So mummy and Tom told me lots of times that if i didn't start to eat, the tv would go off, i carried on messing around so Tom turned the tv off. I cried and screamed and cried some more. It took ages for them to get me to calm down and listen to them. Once i calmed down, i started eating again and the tv was allowed to come back on. I was very very tired because normally i'm not like that.

Wednesday 26th January 2011

I was feeling better today so i went to school. I was really excited about going, i got up and dressed really fast. I had breakfast at home, because mummy is still not well so isn't going to work. At school, mummy spoke to my teacher and told her that i was feeling much better. My teacher told mummy that lots of children have been off with the same thing.
When mummy came to pick me up, because i didn't have to go to after school club today, i was very tired, as it is the first day back for just over a week. My teacher told mummy that i had been fine, i had been coughing a little bit, but so have all of the other children too. I asked mummy if we could go and see Rachel (my after school club teacher) to tell her that i wont be going in. Rachel ran over to me and gave me a hug, she said she has missed me.
I was nearly asleep on my way home.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Monday 24th January 2011

Me and mummy are still poorly :-( so we haven't been to school or work today again. Mummy went to the doctors today. We got a bus there and when we got there, i decided i needed lots of the leaflets that are in the waiting room. The doctor came out of his room and called mummy. He knows mummy. (mummy told me that she used to look after his little girl at one of the nurseries she has worked at) When we got in to his room, he used a stethoscope to listen to mummy's back and her chest. He then put something in mummy's ear to check her temperature, she didn't have one. Then he looked in her mouth, she had to say 'arrrrgghhhhhh' as he held her tongue down with a stick thing. He told mummy that she isn't allowed to go to work for another week as she has a viral throat infection. We then went home, we walked home. Mummy told me that we could go to the park. It didn't take very long to get there and when we did, i was really excited to go and play (i have been stuck inside poorly for 7 days today) I went on the slide, the roundabout, some slidy things (for you to stand on and hold on to sticks and slide side to side) but i lay on them and make myself go up and down. That is fun. Then mummy pushed me in the swing. It was time to go home then, as it was cold and i still have a bit of a cold and a little bit of a cough. We went to the shop on the way home, i got some chocolate and some shreddies. Then we went home. I was pleased to be home, i gave boo and echo a cuddle.
Mummy got my playdough out, its the first time i have played with the playdough i got for christmas. I have lots of cutters and moulds. I liked playing with the playdough. For some reason i thought you had to cut tiny pieces off to put into the moulds, so made quite alot of mess. Mummy then showed me that you use a big piece and then cut around the shape you make. I picked all the pieces up though (after Tom and mummy asked me to, i finally listened to Tom)
I have been more like my self today, mummy thinks that i am now fed up of being at home as i have been driving her mad hehe. I have been cheeky and a little bit naughty.
I went to bed at 6.30 as i was tired. Mummy read me a teddy story and i looked at a hippo book but was asleep very quickly.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Thursday 20th January 2011

I woke up a lot happier today, not so hot, although still a bit hot. Mummy has been giving me medicine all day again, to try and make me all better. Mummy is still poorly too, coughing lots. Tom went to work this morning, so its just mummy and me today. We had to get dressed, just to go to the shop at the end of the road, to post the letter to mummy's work. I took my pushchair and my small animals that mummy bought me when we went to cowley centre yesterday. I walked there and back again, although i moaned about my pushchair not going in a straight line, i never moaned about being poorly. I asked for chocolate at the shop too, which i haven't done since being poorly. When we got home, i had a little bit of a sandwich, some of the chocolate, but said i didn't like it. Then i just spent the day watching tv, snuggled up in the purple throw that Tom bought the other day, I like that lots.

Tuesday 18th January 2011

Mummy phoned her manager and my school and said we weren't going in today. We had the day at home. Tom went out to buy me some medicine and mummy some tablets too. He bought me two lamps as mine stopped working last night. I have a pink disco light and a pink lamp, i like them. We also have a really nice purple throw for the sofa, which i have been wrapped up in all day :) When mummy put me to bed, i was awake every 30 minutes from 4am, and was very hot, the medicine wouldn't bring my temperature down :(

Wednesday 19th January 2011

We had to go out today, to get some more medicine for me and mummy. I was fine at first, we went to cowley centre on the bus, but then i started feeling really poorly, i just wanted to go home. I kept saying my tummy was hurting, i was cold, even though i was really hot, i was tired, when we bought all of the medicines we needed mummy had to go in to iceland quickly, i waited outside with Tom and by the time mummy came out (she only bought potatoes) i was asleep on the ground, sat up :( i didn't want to walk, wanted mummy to carry me, i finally got up, when we were walking to the bus stop, i was crying lots and ended up being a bit sick. I hate being sick and panic when i know i'm going to be. Mummy asked if i wanted to get a bus or a taxi, i wanted to get the bus. When we got on the bus, mummy said i would go home with Tom cos she had to go to the doctors to pick a form up for her work. I stayed on the bus with Tom and mummy got off. On the way home, i fell asleep on the bus. When we got home, Tom helped me take my boots off and coat and then snuggled me up on the sofa and put 'how to train your dragon' on for me to watch. When mummy got home she was coughing lots. I was very sad by now, just wanted my mummy. When she gave me a cuddle, i calmed down a bit, then laid watching the film, i fell asleep on the sofa. Then when i woke up, i fell asleep again. I woke up long enough to eat some mash potatoe and then laid back down again and was asleep really quickly again. I didn't even wake up when Tom left for work. When i woke up, i watched one iCarly and then told mummy i needed to go to bed, so mummy took me to bed, after giving me some medicine. I was a bit happier by now, smiling a bit more. I woke up at just after midnight and then again at 5am, mummy gave me medicine, but i didn't feel as hot as i did today which made mummy happy, she doesn't like it when i'm poorly.

Monday 17th January 2011

When we got up for school today, mummy's cold has got a bit worse, she was a little poorly yesterday and i have a bit of a cold too today.
When mummy picked me up from school, i was still full of cold and mummy had been coughing all day at work. When we got home, i was quite hot and mummy didn't feel too good either. I was awake in the night quite a bit and was quite hot, i always get hot when i'm poorly (hottest has been 104.5'C)

Sunday 16th January 2011

Today me and mummy went to meet Collette and Evie (Hayley was poorly) We went to Jambino's i like going there. When we got in, it was so busy, i saw Lucy, my speach therapist there, she had her two little boys with her, Lucy told us that her daughter is at a party at the bowling, next door. When we found a seat, i took my shoes off and ran off to play. I played on my own, i played with Evie a little bit. I had a jam sandwich there too and some water. When it was time to go home, we got our things on and then left with them. We got the same bus as them too, i sat at the back, at the top. Mummy showed Evie things out of the window. We got off at cowley centre as we needed to get some shopping. Then we went home and had some dinner. I had a really good day today.
On the way to taking Nana's car back to her this morning, i said to mummy 'do we need to take her car back so she can go to work and the pub, cos Nana always does go to the pub doesn't she' mummy thought that was funny. She told Nana too when we got to her house, Nana laughed too

Friday, 7 January 2011

Friday 7th January 2011

Mummy is feeling better today, yay. She said she had a 24hour bug.
On the bus, me and mummy were drawing pictures on the windows. Mummy drew a rabbit (well it had floppy ears, the only thing that looked vaguely like a rabbit on it hehe) and then i drew some hands on it, but then decided the hands were guns, one was pointing towards Tom's head and i said it was killing him, but his other hand is one to save people, so that one saved him. Then i drew a rainbow and mummy told me that i needed a pot of gold at the end of my rainbow, so i drew a pot of gold and then mummy told me i needed a leprachaun so i drew one of them too. Tom said what if the end near him was the end, it had no gold, so he drew one there too, his was bigger than mine, so i drew a bigger one. Then Tom drew an even bigger one, so i done a bigger one, then he did and i drew one bigger again. It was then time to get off of the bus. 
At tesco today i found a pack of small cereals, i asked if i could have them, at first mummy said no, then looked at my face and said yes, hehe. I had a box for my breakfast. Mummy made me some crusty rolls for my lunch. Then it was time to go, it was raining lots, so i took my umbrella to school with me.
When mummy picked me up, i was much happier today. I was being all silly with Rachel and mummy. Tom was waiting outside and we all walked to the bus stop together. When we got home, for some reason, i decided that i wanted to empty my piggy banks out, for some reason i have 6 now, as i got a new one for christmas. I kept taking them to mummy, for her to take the bottom bit out. When i had taken all my money out, me and mummy counted it all together. I have £6! Tom has told me that if i am good, he will double that tomorrow and i can go and buy something nice. I put it all in a bag. Tom gave me a bag, that his mum and nan had given him to give to me. Inside was a nice jumper, it felt all soft, i really like it. I am going to wear it tomorrow!
Then it was bedtime, i said night night to the kittens, lots of times, prolonging the bedtime part hehe. In bed i was a monkey, kept calling mummy. Then i finally went quiet to look at my book (i always look at a book before i go to sleep, after mummy has read me one-she reads me one every night) When mummy was in the shower, i started whinging and moaning, just a little and when Tom was about to get up to come and see what was wrong, mummy finished in the shower and i suddenly got louder, so mummy came in to see me. I told her that i had hurt my back on the wall, mummy hasn't got a clue what i must have been doing to hurt my back on the wall! I had a red mark there. Then mummy said night night, again (about the 3rd or 4th time now) and i started reading my book again, then i slowly got quieter and quieter and finally fell asleep.

Thursday 6th January 2011

I was a bit more tired today, but still excited about going to school. I was a bit sad when mummy came to get me from after school club today, mummy gave me a cuddle and Rachel told mummy that i was very tired, i had been quite sensitive, which mummy said happens when i'm tired. We couldn't go home yet though, cos mummy has to go to the doctors, she isn't very well :( we went to cowley centre and i chose my own apple from the fruit and veg shop. We sat down so i could eat it, as mummy couldnt' walk around as it made her feel sick. I don't like mummy being poorly :( At the doctors we sat down and waited and waited and waited some more, they took ages. Mummy cried in the doctors room :( the doctor felt her tummy and said she has a bug. We then had to walk home, which mummy said the fresh air was making her feel a little bit better. When we got near our house, we saw Tom walking towards us, he was walking to the bus stop. He gave mummy a cuddle, but mummy wanted to get home, so she said bye to him really quickly, he is going out to see some bands. At home, mummy got me some dinner and then put me to bed, she didn't give me a kiss tonight as she didn't want to give me her bug. I told mummy 'i'm sad that you are poorly, i don't like you being poorly' mummy smiled and said she would be better tomorrow, i hope she is!

Wednesday 5th January 2011

I am soooooo excited that i am back at school today. I got dressed in my warm clothes (mummy forgot to write that on yesterdays, we put my clothes for today on the raidiators) then it was time to go. We got on the bus, it was Joe driving, which made me even happier :D mummy and Joe were talking, all the way to my school, i listened to my music player. When it was time to get off, we said bye to Joe and then went to Tesco. Mummy asked me what i would like for breakfast, i told her cereal. We bought some food for lunch, as mummy hadn't made any for me yet. At mummy's work, i ate my cereal whilst she made my lunch. Then it was time go to school! When mummy picked me up, it was really dark. I told mummy that i had had a good day, i also went to see Rachel (my after school teacher, i like her)

Tuesday 4th January 2011

Mummy had to go to work today, so we had to get up early, very early compared to the times we have been getting up (9am or later, today it was 6.30am!!) I had a packed lunch made as i am going to Aunty Sams today. I moaned as my clothes were cold, so mummy said if we remember then we can put them on the raidiator tonight, if we choose what i am going to wear for school tomorrow. We got a bag ready, for me to take. I chose to take my camera, my music player and some pens and paper. We left to get the bus and half way down the road, mummy remembered that my bag with all my things in are in the flat, so we walked all the way back again, silly mummy. Then we got on the bus. We went to Tesco first, we bought me some breakfast, i chose to have plain rolls for breakfast. Mummy took me to Aunty Sams and she went to work.
When mummy picked me up, i was a bit sad when we were walking to the bus stop. I told mummy that Aunty Sam had slept all morning and i had just been watching tv and Kaamiel had woken a few times, but aunty Sam just gave him some milk and went back to sleep. I told mummy she did get up to give me some lunch. Mummy gave me a cuddle, cos i started crying :(
When we got home, we had more cuddles and i had some dinner before bedtime.

Monday 3rd January 2011

Today i didn't want to go out, i wanted to stay in all day. But mummy told me we needed to go to Tesco, but that i could go in my trolley :) When we were all ready, we went down and got my trolley out of the shed and then i got in. Mummy pulled me all the way there. When we got there, we only needed to buy a DVD. We got 'How to train your dragon' :D i have wanted to see that for AGES! On the way home, we stopped at the pub and went for dinner. I had sausage, yorkshire pudding, mash potato and peas. I didn't like my sausages so Tom had them, when he tried them, he realised why i didn't like them, they were a bit herby and i'm a bit (mummy says lots) fussy. After dinner we went home, mummy pulled me most of the way and then Tom had a turn as mummy's arm was starting to hurt (its up hill on the way home)
When we got home, i was really excited about watching the film, i put the cats out in the kitchen and then got my duvet from my bed. I went to the kitchen and mummy showed me what goodies i could have whilst watching it. I chose some biscuits and some chocolate coins. When Tom was ready, we all sat on the sofa, me and mummy had the duvet on and Tom didn't, he was too hot. We sat cuddled up on the sofa, i liked that and watched the film. It was a really good film. I ate my goodies really quickly. After the film, Tom had to go to work :(
After i had some dinner, me and mummy done some drawing together, she is making me some flash cards for my speaking, i helped her. I done some good drawings, mummy and Tom think my drawings are really good. Then it was bedtime.

Sunday 2nd January 2011

Today when we got dressed and went out, we still had Nana's car, so we drove to town and Tom walked to work from the carpark and me and Mummy went to buy me some new shoes for school and some new clothes. I got 3 pairs of new shoes, i chose the colours and then we bought me lots of trousers and tops too, as my other trousers all have holes in the knees!! After we bought me lots of clothes, we went back to the car. Mummy paid for the car park and then i reminded her that she had said we could drive all the way to the top and all the way back down again. So when we got in the car, we drove up to the top, there is no roof there. Then we went weeeeeeeee all the way down, round and round. I liked doing that. We drove to Nana's house and went in for a bit as we had time to stop and have a drink. After that, we got back in Nana's car and Nana drove us to get Chris' car and then she drove me and mummy home.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Saturday 1st January 2011

When i got up this morning, mummy told me it was the new year, she then said 'do you know what that means' i looked at her so she said 'it means we can put our calendars up' (i have wanted to do that for ages, so was very excited about this) I ran and got them and wanted to put them up straight away. Mummy got up and had a shower and then came and helped me. Mummy told me that grandad is coming round today, to give me my christmas present, we had to find some cellotape to wrap his present up quickly. When he came, the present was really big. I opened it and it was a Hannah Montana guitar and microphone!!! That is really good, but grandad only bought 3 batteries with him, so he went to Tesco to get another one. When he came back, he put them all in and listened to me play, i wouldn't sing though, i went all shy. But as soon as they went, when Tom and mummy were eating their breakfast, i sang them Twinkle little star, very loud!! They liked it (honestly they did, hmmmmm...............)
After that, me and mummy took Nana's car back to her and Tom stayed in to have a shower, he is going to meet us at cowley centre. We drove to Nana's and then Nana told mummy 'change of plan' we were just going to drop her and chris to the club. When we got near it, chris said that he could see his car, he said hello to it, so mummy stopped the car, opened the window and told chris to shout to it, so he did. Then as we pulled away, mummy said she could drive round the block so he could get closer to it and touch it, he said no, its ok, he will wait til tomorrow. That made me laugh. We went to pick Tom up and then drove to cowley centre. We went to one shop, Tom wanted to look at trainers. I liked looking at the rugs, they were all soft. Then i looked at the shoes, i kept picking really horrible ones up. Then i found the toys, i liked looking at the toys. When Tom had bought his trainers, we drove to town. In town, we went to a shop and got me some pyjama's but then i got grumpy (late night last night) i had a tantrum in the shop and hit mummy in the face when i was waving my arms around. Mummy told me i had two choices, one was to put my coat on like she had asked me to do, or she was going to put my pyjama's back. I didn't calm down, she took my jumper off cos i was making myself all hot and then i calmed down enough to get my coat on. When we walked away, i was still grumpy. We went down the lift and then Tom went down the escalator. Outside, i finally started calming down enough for mummy to be able to talk to me without me getting cross with her. We made a deal, if i was a good girl, no whinging in the next two shops, i could have macdonalds, Tom added that i couldnt' start whinging after eating it, i smiled a little at that. We went to the works (books, paper etc) and Tom went to the music shop. In the works, i got some coloured paper and a new book, they didn't' have colouring pens. Then we went to Macdonalds whilst Tom went to buy a magazine. We all walked back towards the car, we just had to go in one more shop, to get mummy and Tom a drink, my box from macdonalds was falling apart, so Tom got me a carry a bag. We walked back to the car, i walked in to a few people, as i have a habit of walking along lines when we are in really busy places, so can't see where i am going, which ends up with people either walking round me, or me bumping in to them. I ate all of my food and drank all of my drink. When we got home, i asked if i could have a chocolate, mummy told me i had to have a banana first, so i did, then came back and asked for a chocolate. She took ages (about 2 minutes, which to me when i want chocolate is ages) so i said 'come on mummy, you haven't told me what i can have, i havne't had any chocolate' so mummy came and showed me. Then i done some colouring on my new paper.

Friday 31st December 2010

When i woke up today, I called mummy quietly cos Kaamiel was still sleeping. Mummy settled me down in the living room and then not long later, Kaamiel woke up. Mummy bought him in to the living room and she got us both some breakfast. Kaamiel was really happy. He ate all of his breakfast and then i played with him, i liked having Kaamiel to play with. He started getting a little sleepy, so mummy told me that she was going to put him down for a sleep, when she came back, we had some cuddles. I played til he woke up, then we all had some dinner. Kaamiel ate lots again. Not long after he had finished, Aunty Sam turned up and we all left to get the bus together. We left Aunty Sam on the bus because we had to go to cowley centre. At cowley centre, we bought some things for tonight. Mummy told me that we are going to Hayley's house with Collette and Evie. We bought some food and i chose some cakes. Then we went to Nana's as we are borrowing her car to get there as Hayley lives in abingdon. When we were at Nana's mummy had a message from Collette, saying her and Evie weren't going to come anymore. We had to go home, because mummy had to cook some sausage rolls for us to take tonight. We got our things together. I took a red box of toys with us, so i could have something to do, mummy took some games for her, Hayley and Hayley's mummy to play too. When we got there, Hayley took us in to her living room, there was lots of food. Her mummy was there and she has lots of cats. And 2 rats. I liked the rats, i stroked them. The cats were really nice too. We had some food, i ate lots of sausage rolls and then had chocolate rolls too. I liked them lots. I had lots of them too hehe. Then they started to play one of the games, mummy said it was called Monopoly. I was the banker, i liked being the banker. I dealt the money out to everyone, then i gave the cards to people when they bought them. I liked this alot, but when it started getting a bit late, i started getting a little tired. We left there at 10.30pm, i was very good considering i was so tired. When we got home, Tom was there :D i said happy new year to him. On the way home, mummy had been telling me that it was new years eve tonight and tomorrow would be a new year, i kept saying, 'but what does that mean' mummy wasn't quite sure how to explain it to me, she said it starts at January again, so i made a song up that went like 'january, january, january........' I went to bed near enough straight away.

Thursday 30th December 2010

Mummy told me that Kaamiel is coming to stay tonight, i am really excited. When we got home, mummy started cooking dinner and she was cooking some so that Kaamiel could have some too. Tom played his game for a little while before dinner. Kaamiel arrived when mummy was cooking dinner and aunty Sam and Nana came to drop him off. They left him and mummy left Kaamiel in the living room with me laying on the floor. He was really happy until i had to go for a wee, cos then he couldn't see me. Mummy took him in to the kitchen with her. Tom had his sausage sandwich and then he went to get ready cos he is going out tonight. Mummy cooked me, her and Kaamiel sausage, mash, carrots and brocoli. I liked that dinner, we had yorkshire pudding with it too. Kaamiel ate all of his dinner, he was so hungry he even had half of my banana and a yoghurt too. I ate lots of my dinner too. When it was time for bed, mummy put Kaamiel in his bed with me, he had his crib in my room and i was excited about this. He had his bottle of milk and mummy read me a story. After my story, mummy had to sit with Kaamiel til he went to sleep, so i looked at a book until he was sleeping. Then mummy went out of the room and i fell asleep really quickly. Kaamiel woke up a few times in the night, he woke me up too. I looked grumpy when mummy came in to see to Kaamiel.

Wednesday 29th December 2010

I didn't wake up til almost 9 today, which meant i was a happy little girl all day :) which mummy was very pleased with. We went shopping in town in the morning, to buy me some more earphones, as the kittens have chewed the ones that Tom bought me and to get some flash cards for me to practice my talking. So when we got down there we walked around to see if we could find some flash cards and we had to go in a few shops til we found some. We went in lots of lifts today, i like going in lifts, i always have to press the buttons hehe. When we went in to the shop called Waterstones, we went downstairs where the children's books were and Tom found the flash cards in there. Then i took them to the till and and i paid all by myself. I wanted to go upstairs in there too, even though mummy told me that there is nothing upstairs that i would find interesting, so we went upstairs. All the books were reading books, not ones i would like. But to make a point to them, i pretended to be interested, pointing to pictures on the books and saying look at this, look at that. We left there quite quickly after that. We went to HMV to find me some more earphones, i chose black ones, cos they had white, black or green. Me and mummy went to queue up and Tom went to look around. Then Tom came over to us and showed me some pink ones he had found, i smiled lots. I chose to have the pink ones instead. I paid for them all by myself again. On the bus on the way home, i started looking through my flash cards, but then i needed a wee really bad, mummy tried distracting me, but i was so desperate that i kept rocking and shaking my legs. The bus goes to cowley centre and turns around so Tom said if we were to get off now and go for a wee, we may get back on it when it comes round again. So me and mummy got off and ran for me to have a wee. I was so desperate that it didn't take me very long. Then we went to the bus stop and waited for the bus that we had just got off of. Tom had waited on it, when it came round the corner, we got back on, Tom was still on it too. That was lucky because mummy and Tom thought i may have wee'd myself if i had to have waited. I have been very happy today, a lay in done me good i think.