Thursday, 11 August 2011

Thursday 11th August 2011

We are going to Shotover today :-) Ray is coming and then we are going.
When Ray got here, we were all nearly ready and then we left, mummy said she had spare clothes for me and that i had some lunch too. I had my wellies and raincoat on and mummy had her wellies on too. We walked to shotover, sometimes i held Toms hand and then i held mummy's hand.
When we got there, the 'sandpit' was quite wet and muddy as it was raining this morning quite alot. I was walking around in it, using a long stick to dig in it, i told mummy that i was using a long stick so i didnt' need to bend down. Mummy and Tom kept telling me to sit in it, but i didn't want to. Ray tucked his trousers into his boots and then he came over to play too. Then mummy gave Tom her camera and she came over too. Tom only has the boots he was wearing so he couldn't come and play :-( but he said he's going to buy some wellies :-) for next time. Mummy and Ray stood in the water and then mummy splashed Ray hehe. Mummy got his glasses muddy and wet so he went and took them off and then came back and got mummy really wet :-)

Tom before we all started getting messy

Ray is ready to get muddy, trousers tucked in

Mummy and Ray came to get muddy with me

Mummy got very muddy (she got worse than this too hehe)

That got me really wet :D

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Wednesday 10th August 2011

So excited today!!!! Mummy reminded me that we are going to iKids to see Ella and Elliot today, (my friend who moved to Cyprus with her brother) and i am so excited. The last time we saw them, was in December, before christmas. I have missed Ella. When we got there, they were there already, i ran off to play straight away. Mummy sat and talked to their mummy, who is her friend, Kayleigh. I loved being able to play with Ella and Elliot. We were there for 3 hours! :D :D

Mummy took our photo outside, so i've got a photo of me and them two. I really miss them when they are in Cyprus.

Monday 8th August 2011

mummy has been meaning to write this bit in to a page somewhere, so is going to put it here :) she wanted to tell the big Harriet about something the little Harriet does that her and Tom find really funny. When I say something, even if i'm wrong, and think i'm right, (which happens alot of the time) my head goes side to side, mummy and Tom call me Bobble Head because of it. They say its like I have an attitude at the age of 5.
Back to today, I walked to Tesco with mummy today, it takes about 15 minutes to walk there. I took one of mummy's old phones and all the way there, i didn't talk to mummy,  i was talking to Zoe (my imaginary friend, although mummy isn't sure if she really is an imaginary friend, if i see her, or if i just make her up, but don't see her- I used to have a friend called Zoe at an old nursery and I have had 'zoe' as a friend for about 2 years now.) I didn't talk to mummy once and me and Zoe talked the whole way there, on the phone and then Zoe was next to me too. I talk to Zoe quite alot some times. Some times she is small (smaller than my hand) another time she is bigger than me, then the same size as me (which is another reason mummy isn't sure if she really is there or not)

Friday 5th August 2011

When i got up this morning, mummy reminded me that i have a speech therapy session with Lucy, i havent seen Lucy for ages. When we got there, we were a bit early, so we went and had a cake each in the cafeteria there, i had a belgian bun and a glass of milk. It was yummy. Then it was time to go and see Lucy. We waited in the waiting room until she came and got us, mummy reminded me that she would have a lady in there with her, who is learning to do the job that Lucy does. I sat down and at first i was a bit shy, Lucy asked me about my holidays and i started talking to her. Lucy looked at mummy and mummy said 'she's good isn't she' i smiled. Lucy asked what i had been doing, because my speech is lots better. Mummy told her that she had told me that i am my palates teacher and i have been teaching my palate to say things properly. Lucy asked if i could go and help the other children she works with become good teachers hehe. Lucy is really pleased with me. I had to repeat the sentences from her book and at the end, she was amazed at how well i am doing. She spoke to mummy and me and said that she doesn't need to do any more work with me, as far as speech therapy is concerned, i'm finished!! :D that made mummy nearly cry as she wasn't expecting to hear that. Mummy is really proud of me and how well i have done. Lucy said she would see me when i go and have a hearing review in august/september time. She did tell mummy that there is still alot of turbulence when i talk and that air is still coming down my nose. That i might need to have another operation next year, but will see me nearer christmas and talk about it with mummy then.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Tuesday 2nd August 2011

We had to wait in today because the gas man is coming. Tom went to Witney to buy some CD's. I played on my guitar, i plugged it into the amp too and was singing when he got here. He told mummy he has never been serenaded before hehe.
When Tom got home we went to the shop after a bit, i went in my pyjamas and dressing gown, mummy and Tom thought i was mad because it was really hot.
I had a bath and was having my hair brushed in the living room and watching  tv and when it was finished, mummy and Tom asked me if i wanted to go for a walk in the puddles instead of going to bed, i got really excited! I got my wellies on really fast, mummy did too, Tom doesn't have any wellies, i think he needs to get some. Mummy and Tom went out in shorts (its really hot and muggy weather) and then we were ready.

Just before my first jump

Getting ready (mummy thinks i may have got distracted by my reflection though hehe)

Mummy loves jumping in puddles too :-)

Tom getting ready for a big jump

Tom could jump really high!!!

hehe Tom got really wet

mummy got another action shot, me jumping

Me and Mummy jumped together

and me and Tom jumped together too

I took a picture of mummy and Tom jumping and splashing together

Me and Mummy in the puddle at the end, just before we went home

Sunday 31st July 2011

We got a bus into town with Tom again, he has to work again :-( and then we went to walk around for a bit because we are meeting mummy's friend, Fiona at 1. After a little while, we had MacDonalds breakfast, i liked that. Then it was time to get the big bus to go and meet Fiona. We went to Jambino's but its called Ikids or something like that now, mummy can't remember. When we got there, we walked in and were going to a table when someone called my name, i turned around and saw a lady, i didn't recognise her but mummy said it was Kayleigh, Ella's mummy (Ella moved to Cyprus, they are over here for a month) I was really excited, then Ella ran up to me and we smiled lots, i loved seeing Ella. We had to go and find a table for mummy and Fiona to sit down on, but mummy told me we are coming here again to see Ella and Elliot soon. Ella followed me and then we ran off to play. I hurt my leg, i cried. (it wasn't that bad really mummy says) then Ella had to go :-( but i know i'm seeing her again soon, so its ok. Fiona turned up then and i was showing off to her. I went and played. Mummy came over into the ball pit, because she had seen a little boy throwing balls at me, then he jumped on me, i was smiling but mummy could tell i didn't like it, she said 'you can come out if you want to Harriet' and i started crying. Mummy took me out and she told the boy off, he laughed and mummy said 'its not funny' he said it was. Mummy was very cross. We went back to the table and mummy was talking to me and then the boy came over with balls in his hand, he threw them at me, mummy asked him where his mummy was and he poked his tongue out. She went to the counter and told the man, there was a lady stood there too, she said is it this little boy, and pointed to the mean boy, mummy said yes and then explained what he had been doing. The mummy shouted at him and told him off lots. I went back to play and mummy kept a close eye on the boy and on me to make sure he wasn't doing anything again.

Saturday 30th July 2011

When we got up today, we went into to town with Tom as he had work. Then we met Grandad, because he had to give something to mummy. We had to do all this quick because we are going swimming!!! We raced home to meet Juanita and then mummy had to run upstairs to get our swimming things, I am so excited. Its the big swimming pool in Aylesbury that i like (aquavale) Then we were off. When we got there, i was so excited, i ran to the swimming pool, to get in there, you have to go through doors that go around and around. Then through a gate that turns, that was good. When we got into our swimming costumes, we got in the water, it felt quite warm. We went in the lazy river, then to the outdoor pool, then on the little slides and then mummy pursuaded me to go on the big slide! It was fantastic, i loved it and wanted to go on again. Mummy was scared being up the steps because it was high. We were in the water for nearly 2 and half hours. After swimming, we had some food, i had toast as they had stopped doing sausage rolls.

Wednesday 27th July 2011

It is Nana's birthday today.
Me, Tom and mummy went into town to have some breakfast and while we were in there, i sang happy birthday to Nana and mummy recorded it on her phone and then sent it to facebook for Nana to see, i liked doing that. When we got home, we had to wrap Nana's present up really quick because we had to go to her work to meet her as she was nearly finished. We got there early and i was allowed to sit in the twirly chair in her office. When we got to Nana's house, it was busy and i went shy. Nana came inside and i gave her, her present. I told her that the big bear is her and the little bear is me. We stayed at Nanas for a little while and then we walked home. On the way home we played a game that mummy and Tom play, called 'yellow car punch' but we did 'yellow car tickle' i decided we needed to do all the colours and then we went back to just yellow. I was really good at the game i liked it.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Sunday 24th July 2011

Mummy didn't put her purse in the fridge this time!!! We all got ready really early and then packed the car up ready to do the carboot sale. I was really excited. I've been looking forward to doing one with mummy and Tom for ages!! We got there and mummy and Tom set up, mummy sold her jewellery straight away, a lady kept looking at it with a funny thing on her eye. Tom went for a walk by himself and when he came back, he had a bag over his shoulder and i asked what was in it. Tom opened it and and inside was a scooter!! It had a wooden bottom and i really liked it, it just needs cleaning. Tom took me for a walk after a little while, so we could look around. And minutes after leaving mummy, we found a bike, Tom asked how much it was and it was only £5! So we bought it, i took it back to mummy really excited and showed her, then showed them both that i could ride it really well. Then me and Tom went off again, i held his hand on the way around. I liked walking round with Tom, we got water for my painting and Tom bought me an ice-cream. When we got back to mummy, i done some colouring and then used the water that Tom had bought me and done some colouring.
After the carboot sale, we packed up and then went home, as we are having Kaamiel today. We got home and unpacked everything from the car and then went upstairs to wait. Aunty Sam finally phoned mummy after mummy had tried phoning her, she told her that we didnt' need to have Kaamiel anymore as her friend was having him. We got ready and went to cowley centre and then we had sausage rolls in the centre, i had a cake. I had to eat my cake first as my sausage roll was really hot. It was too hot to eat when we were there, so when we got to Nana's as we had to go and see Uncle Alex (nana is still on holiday) i ate my sausage roll there.