Friday, 25 November 2011

Friday 25th November 2011

I haven't gone to school today because last night i had a runny poo, i told mummy it 'squirted out' and then today i have a tummy ache.
I've liked being at home, i played with my playmobil and dolls house for most of the morning. Then because mummy had already made my lunch for school, i sat watching tv with my lunch box hehe. I liked that.
eating my lunch from my lunch box :)

Tuesday 22nd November 2011

When i got home today, i told mummy that it was one of my teachers birthdays today. I told her that he is older than her, he's 25. Mummy said she is older than him and i said but he's older, he's taller than you and Tom. Mummy had to explain to me that doesn't mean you're older than someone, she reminded me that uncle alex is taller than her, but he's younger than her hehe

Sunday 20th November 2011

I woke up and found a certificate AND money from the tooth fairy!!! I was so excited, when i first saw the certificate, i said mummy, i don't know what that white thing is. Mummy thinks i thought that was all i got from the tooth fairy, was a piece of paper hehe. I took it into Tom and Mummy's room and mummy read the certificate out to me, I really liked that and then i looked in the box, i had a big penny in there! (mummy says its a £2 coin)
Me with my certificate from the toothfairy :)

This is the front of the certificate :)
And the message she has written on the back too :)

Me carrying Roxeane all the way to Tesco
After we had all had cuddles and i'd had breakfast, me and Mummy walked to tesco to meet Nana, i insisted on carrying Roxeane all the way there.
We stayed at Nana's all day, i liked being there all that time. Aunty Sam and Kaamiel came there too, so i got to play with Kaamiel. I showed him how to bump down the stairs on my bottom and he copied me, that was funny and he made the same sounds as me too.
Before bedtime, mummy started to make me a sock monkey, i ended up falling asleep in her and Toms bed whilst i was waiting hehe. When mummy woke me up to go to my own bed, it was ready, i love my sock monkey!!
My first ever sock monkey!!

Saturday 19th November 2011

It's so exciting, i can't wait to put it in my special box for the tooth fairy!!
No tooth!! Yay. The spots are from yesterday at school :)

Mummy's breakfast I made her :)
 I played for a bit whilst mummy had a shower and then I made her some breakfast and took it through to her in her bedroom :) I made her shreddies and took it on my wooden tray from my tea-set. Mummy was really happy and said thank you and that i was lovely. I told her that i want to make it for Tom when he's at home too.
 After we had been to town to get a few things, we came home and i played. I couldn't wait till bedtime :)
At bedtime, i put my tooth in the special box i made and put it on my drum kit next to my bed, i didn't want to put it under my pillow incase it got lost :/ I went to sleep really quickly too hehe

Friday 18th November 2011

Me and mummy went to work/school wearing our spotty pyjamas today, it was so funny walking to the bus stop wearing them. I loved it, made me laugh. When i got to school, i had to guess how many spots were in the jar, i guessed 48 (there were lots more than that, we were told at the end of the day)

At bedtime, mummy had to use her torch on her phone, so we could see the way to my bed. It was so funny, mummy put it behind my head and it made my head look small and then when mummy moved it a bit, it made my head get bigger and bigger. We done this for ages and were laughing lots and lots.

Tuesday 15th November 2011

I had a hearing test today, Tom came with us. I like it when Tom comes to the hospital with us :) I had a little play in the play area and then it was time to go in to the special room where i can't hear anything from outside, its funny. I had a funny thing to hold and it has a button. When i heard a noise, i had to press the button. The lady said at the end that my hearing in my right ear is now better than my left (the hearing aid i had to wear was in my right ear) and that my left ear is down quite alot for hearing. I don't have to wear a hearing aid though, yay. Then we had to go back and wait to be called again. This time we went into another room and the lady looked in my ears and said that i still had a bit of gunk in my right ear from the ear infection.
After being at the hospital, we all walked to headington. Me and mummy had to get a bus to my school and Tom went and got some breakfast and went home.
At bedtime, Mummy said she was going to read me a story and Tom pretended to be sad and said where was his story, so mummy talked in a funny voice and said to come with her and she would read him a story too hehe. When we got to my room, mummy told Tom to get into bed too, she tucked us both up and read us a story. It made us all laugh, i liked having a story with Tom to cuddle up to :)
Me and Tom tucked up in bed, ready for our story :D

Monday, 14 November 2011

Saturday 12th November 2011

We have had Nana's car this weekend, so when we got up in the morning, i went and sat on Tom and mummys' bed and we talked about what we are going to do today. I said i wanted to go for a car picnic, they said yes we can do that. Then mummy said we are going to go high wycombe. I love our days out we have :D When we got there, we went into a carpark where mummy had to drive up and up and up and up, that was fun. We looked round the shops, I got to choose some shops to go in too. There were sweet shops and toy shops that we went in, then mummy wanted to look in one shop because she thought that we would be able to get a coat without sweaty bits in the sleaves. We did! It is nice and it has funny thumb bits in which is like Tom. I like my new coat. Then we had to leave because Tom is working tonight. We found Asda to get petrol and then parked somewhere to have our car picnic. It was a fun day :)

Friday 4th November - Monday 7th November 2011

When mummy picked me up from school, i was a bit quiet, i hadn't eaten my lunch and the lady at after school club said i had been saying my tummy was hurting. On the bus i curled up in a ball :( When we got home, mummy gave me some calpol and i had some cereal for dinner because i didn't want anything else. When i woke up on the Saturday, we didn't go out because i was hot, my temperature was high, but mummy didn't have a thermometer so didn't know how hot. I had calpol and then mummy had to phone Nana for Nana to bring some nurofen too as the calpol wasn't making my temperature go down at all. On Sunday, my ears were hurting and mummy phoned the doctor and we had an appointment to go to at 12.20. Nana took us so we didn't have to get a bus. The doctor said i had an ear infection in my outer ear on the right side. That the left one is fine. He gave mummy a prescription for some ear drops. Mummy bought a thermometer too. We had to go to cowley road to get the drops, but then that shop didn't have them so she sent us to cowley centre, but that was shut, so we had to go to town. When we got them, we went to see Tom at work quickly to say hello. Then it was time to go home. On the bus i was starting to get hot again. By the time we got home, i was really hot. Mummy had to give me both the calpol and nurofen. My temperature reached 103.7 :( mummy doesn't like it when i get that hot. I was ok though, i didn't go all floppy like i sometimes do. So that helped mummy not worry so much. My temperature finally started to go down. That night, i was awake in the night, crying in pain. Saying my other ear hurt, the one the doctor had said was fine. Mummy took me to the doctor again, this time our own doctor, instead of the out of hours doctor. He said the ear the other doctor had said had an outer ear infection was an inner ear infection and that the other one is infected too, by this time, it was full of gunk. I had the day at home and the doctor said the next day i would be fine to go to school.
On the way to the shop at the end of the road, to get some bread, mummy thought a fly had gone in her eye and asked me to look for her. I didn't see one. Then i said 'no, but if you get one in there, it makes a hole with its sharp claws and pulls it open' 
On Saturday night, because i was poorly, we didn't go out to see fireworks, so me and Mummy sat on her bed watching out of the window. I saw lots. I really liked watching them cuddled up in bed with Mummy.

Tuesday 1st November 2011

After school we went to cowley centre to buy me a new lunch box. When we found one, we looked round the Halloween things they had left over. We found a pirate hat and some shoe things that go over my shoes to look like pirate boots and a skull and a cup!! When we got home, i tried my whole outfit on, i'm now a proper poppa pirate pal :D (a film has this in but penguin pal instead and i think its funny to use other words instead of the penguin bit) Mummy and Tom said i looked really good :) I love it, i need to start buying another outfit now though.
This is me in my pirate outfit :)
Mummy made a paper hat too, i put it on Echo hehe.
awwwww she is so cute!!

When mummy put me to bed tonight, we were talking about bodies, this is what mummy put on her facebook about it:
A conversation I had with Harriet last night: we had been talking about bodies and she had said about our bones in our ears, wanting to see how small they are
Me: You cant take your bones out Harriet, I'll find a picture 
Harriet: Well yeah, only if you have a special grabber then you can put it right down without it hurting and take them out. 
Mummy thinks that i think i'm like the game, operation, that i can take bits of my body out. Mummy has said she's never going to buy me that game hehe,

Sunday 30th October 2011

I was eating my dinner today and suddenly said my tooth hurt. Mummy got her phone and used the torch to see in my mouth. I have my first wobbly tooth!!! It's a front one, at the bottom. I'm so excited! Mummy said i will get a penny from the tooth fairy when it falls out. I've been asking mummy for ages when i will get a wobbly tooth because my friends at school have them. I phoned Nana and Tom to tell them too.
My wobbly tooth!!! Yay