Monday, 9 April 2012

Monday 9th April 2012

Because it was raining when we woke up today, we had to tell Ray that we couldn't go to shotover (mummy doesn't want me to get a cold because of my hearing test, xray and camera up my nose next week) so instead me, mummy and Dad went to town. We had breakfast in the pub and then when we were eating, Dad said about going to the museum (he done what mummy done the other day, told me the surprise without meaning too hehe) We walked to the museum from the pub. It was good in the museum. Its the first time that i have looked at things, other than the wooden mice that they hide for children to find. I followed the easter egg trail they had on, but i looked at everything else too. I really liked going to the museum with Mummy and Dad, have been asking if we could go with Dad for ages as we hadn't been with him yet.
I used the torch to look at the things in the cabinets

hehe Dad used the torch for this

I scared mummy by looking down this, its really high up and she's scared of heights

I liked looking around the cabinets, Dad pointed lots of really interesting things out to me

I liked drawing the things that i had to look for on the Easter Egg Trail

Sunday 8th April 2012

When i woke up today, i had breakfast and then mummy told me that she was going to have do an easter egg hunt with me. I waited in the living room and then when she was ready, she came in and showed me the clues, one at a time. I was able to find all of the places that Mummy had written clues about. The last clue was 'where is Dad sleeping' so we went to their room and on the window sill, there was an easter egg and another mini cream egg :) and an egg and a rabbit teddy from Dads family. 

This is what Mummy had hidden all over the flat

My clues and the eggs that i found at the end of the hunt :D
After we had breakfast, mummy told me that i had to get dressed, it was time to go out. We're meeting Fiona at iKidz, i can't wait. We leave Dad at home, because he's going to work. Then we went there, it was quite quiet when we got there, which is good. We got a seat and then not long later, we were asked to move as they were hiding eggs :D so i got another easter egg hunt hehe. That was great fun, i loved it, although i was a little shy and mummy looked for them with me. I found quite alot of eggs and lots of little chocolate rabbits. Then Fiona turned up and i played some more. After a little while, the same man who asked us to move the first time, asked us to move again, we were going to have another hunt!! I didn't find so many this time, but it was still fun looking for things. Fiona bought us lunch there too. I had hamburger, mashed potato and sweetcorn and then a yoghurt. It was yummy. Then i went back to play again hehe. We were there for a whole 6 hours!!!

Saturday 7th April 2012

A letter came in the post today and after she read it, Mummy sat me down and started talking to me about it. Mummy said that in the letter, it was saying about the fact that i have to have a camera up my nose again and a xray of my palate again. I told mummy that i'm not sure if i'll be brave or not, or if i'll cry again like i did last time. Mummy wants to add a bit here
You are an amazing young girl!! I am so proud of you! The things you have been through, with the operations and hospital appointments, you amaze me daily!! I'm very proud to be your mummy!! xxxxxx

Friday 6th April 2012

We went for breakfast today and when we were eating, we were talking about birthdays. I remembered what month Dads is, what month Boo and Echos is, but i couldn't remember when Mummys is, oooops. It was funny :)
After breakfast, we went and got some sweeties and drinks and then Mummy and Dad told me we were going for a surprise. I didn't know where we were going. Then Mummy was silly, she said 'millets farm' when she was looking for something on her phone (how to get there) so i knew where we were going.
It was lots of fun when we were there. There were lots of animals and we went and looked at them all.

Reading to see what the names of the animals were

Dad bought me a cake, it was a yummy chocolate cake and it was delicious

Thursday 5th April 2012

Me and Mummy went to meet one of mummys' friends today, Juanita. We went to a pub and i was allowed to have just pudding :) i had lots of fun. When we got home, mummy done some hair wraps in my hair. When she asked if she could do it earlier, i said no. Dad let her do one in his hair instead hehe. Dad had a black and green one. I liked it and when we got home from the pub i asked mummy if she could do some in my hair, so mummy did 2 in my hair :D

Wednesday 4th April 2012

We went to see Uncle Matt today, we saw Lola, Coen and Josh too. I havne't seen them for ages. It was nice, but i was quite shy too. Mummy said that now we have a car, we can start going there more often again. I'd like that. After there, we went to look for washing machines. Mummy was very excited hehe. It was funny.

Tuesday 3rd April 2012

We went to meet Hayley, Collette and Evie today, it was lots of fun. We went to Collette and Evies new house first, then we went to feed the ducks and then went to the park. We had an ice-cream too, that was yum. I had lots of fun at the park, i liked going to see them. I can't wait to see them again.
We made it go really fast ourselves :)

It was lots of fun :)

Hayley had to help us over (mummy was too scared as it was up high hehe)

This slide was good fun :D

Monday 2nd April 2012

I told mummy today 'hey its not summer anymore, that was a quick summer'

Sunday 1st April 2012

We went to Nana's house to do some washing (our washing machine is broken) and we got dinner too, mummy was very happy, she loves roast dinners hehe.
I really liked helping Mummy hang the washing out

I was very helpful

Then i read my book

I read it to Nana, to show her how clever I am (I can read 3 sentences now)

On the way home from Nana's house, me and mummy were talking about people having driving lessons. I was very puzzled, how does mummy remember how to drive when she can't remember lots of other things???

Saturday 31st March 2012

We went to the park today, in our new car :D which meant we could go to one that is further away, i really liked going to the park there, i've not been to that one before, its a new one too.
I think mummy and dad had a better time than me though, or at least as much fun as me hehe
Me and Dad on the roundabout

He pushed me really high on the swing

Mummy having fun on the stepping stones :)

Wednesday 28th March 2012

I had pitta breads for dinner last night, they were yum. When i woke up today, mummy said would i like them for my lunch, i said yes. She made them and i asked to have one for breakfast. I ate one mouthful and had to spit it out, it was yukky. Mummy doesn't understand how i can like them lots last night and then not at all today hehe.

Tuesday 27th March 2012

When i woke up this morning, i had a bracelet on my wrist :) mummy made it for me last night and then tied it on me when i was sleeping. I really liked waking up with that, it made me really happy.

Monday 26th March 2012

When i woke up today, i had a rash all over my face and neck :( mummy didn't send me to school.
 She took me to the doctor and he checked everywhere, he said i just have a viral infection and that i'm ok other than the rash. He did surprise mummy and said that i'm not meant to be getting my ear wet! I went to the doctor at the hospital a couple of weeks ago and they said that my right ear has some damage from when i had grommets and i may need an operation on it. But they never said about getting it wet, so mummy wasn't very happy and was pleased that we went there. After the doctor, we went and had breakfast at the pub with Dad, i liked doing that. We went home and a really nice afternoon altogether too :D
When we were just about to have dinner, mummy remembered that she hadn't changed the clock in the living rom (the clocks went forward yesterday) so Dad had to rush his food because he was going to be late for work, ooops silly mummy.

Saturday 24th March 2012

When we got ready today, we went into town with Dad, he was going to work. Then me and mummy went off shopping together. It wasn't very nice weather and i was moaning, saying 'i wish it was raining, its too hot' (its only been sunny for a couple of days :/) When we got to Nana's house (i'm staying there with Kaamiel today) Nana told mummy that we can have her car!! We can have it. That means we can have a car again. That is so exciting.