Monday, 25 October 2010

Sunday 17th August 2008

I woke up with a dry bed!!
Mummy cooked me some beans, sausage and an egg for breakfast. Then phil f came to my house, phil had breakfast too.
We got in to bertie and drove to a party. I went to sleep in bertie and when i woke up, mummy told me that we were at the party, i said 'yay, party'
I watched phil and amanda sing and then some other people sing. i danced on the table. Phil f bought me a hot dog, but i fell asleep on the way home
When we got home, i went on my laptop while mummy put my hair in french plaits. I hate having my hair brushed. I pull, hit, pinch, kick and scratch mummy, but mummy always wins. I helped mummy write my diary today (drawing all over the page) oops
 I walked in to mummmy's room with my sunglasses on, upside down and said 'cool'

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