Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Sunday 6th June 2010

Mummy and me went to the car boot sale today, we bought boring things like vegetables. I had a fried egg sandwich and an ice-cream, that was good. Then we went to yarnton nursery, to buy a big litter tray and some mice. Mummy bought me some new books too. I fell over on the way to get the mice, i soon forgot and got up and walked off. but then 10 minutes later, when i realised that i had some blood on my knee, i started limping. When we got home, we ran upstairs to get the cat basket and went to voirreys house to pick our new kitten up (echo) When we got there voirrey's daughter, linda, was there with echo. I cuddled echo, she was all fluffy. We took her home and had to keep her in the cat box. I kept saying 'it is just boring' boo kept hissing and growling at echo then mummy put echo in the kitchen so she could eat and go on the litter tray. Then we let boo in, she kept hissing and growling.
When i went to bed, mummy let the kittens together and they had lots of little fights, tom had to keep telling mummy to leave them, cos mummy was scared they would hurt each other, but they soon calmed down.

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