Friday 24 June 2011

Friday 17th June 2011

Mummy took me to school and told me that she would be picking me up soon, because we had to go to hospital for a hearing review. It wasn't long before mummy was back, we took my lunch, just incase we weren't back in time. When we got there, we were a little bit late, but that was ok. The same lady as last time came and found us and tested my hearing.
This is me waiting for the hearing test. After, the lady spoke to mummy and told her that the hearing on my left side is a little down, 2 out of the 5 is down, the other 3 are normal, she said the right side is down quite alot so that is the side i'm going to have my hearing aid in. So we had to go and wait in the waiting room again until she was ready to do my hearing aid. Mummy explained to me that i would have a hearing aid in one of my ears. When the lady called us back, she had it all ready, it is pink!! and has sparkly bits too. The lady put it in my ear and then spoke to me, i smiled. i could hear really well. The lady left me and mummy for a minute, so i could tell mummy if it was hurting or anything. I told mummy that i could hear myself, i like hearing myself. I have my own case for it, to keep at school and one for home and lots of batteries. The lady showed me how to do and then showed mummy. I got it in better than mummy and quicker too!!! Then it was time to go back to my school. On the way, mummy asked if i would like to wear it to school, or to wait until monday, i told her i wanted to wear it, so i could show my friends. i ate my lunch on the bus on the way there. When we got to my school, mummy showed Jules, my teacher how to put it in and told her that the hard case and one pack of batteries are to stay at school. As mummy was leaving some children were asking me what it was, i was telling them what it was, mummy was very proud of me.
When mummy picked me up, she asked how it had been, wearing it and i smiled, i had liked having it in. At home, Tom was there and i couldn't wait to show him either, he liked my hearing aid.

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