Thursday 7 July 2011

Sunday 19th June 2011

Today when we got up, mummy and Tom reminded me that we are going to a music festival today, i was really excited. We went to a pub and had breakfast first, but i had some at home because i was hungry. Mummy packed a lunch for me to take with us. When mummy and Tom had eaten, we got in the car and went to the music festival, its called 'charlbury riverside festival' when we got there, we parked the car and then had to walk a little way until we got there. We had to go over a field because thats where it was. When we got there, we walked around, there were lots of stalls and i liked seeing what there was on each stall. There was a stage near where we went in, but we carried on going past that one. There was face painting, but because last time i had my face painted i got a rash, mummy said it wouldn't be a good idea. We found another stage and then sat down on the grass. I watched some bands playing and singing and it was good. When i was watching the music, i ate my lunch (i had to eat all of it if i wanted an ice-cream from the ice-cream van) then a man came over to us, he was called James, he's mummy's friend, and Toms. Mummy told me that his band would be playing soon. There was lots of grass that was just laying on the ground, i started throwing it at Tom and mummy, it was fun, Tom threw it back at me and then at mummy, it was lots of fun, having a grass fight. Then when we were all covered in grass, mummy told me it might be a good idea to stop now, so she found me a hole in the ground and i started filling that with grass instead. James' band came on, I liked watching his band, we went closer when his band came on. After that, we went and got ice-cream, it was yum yum. After that, we went back to the car

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