Sunday 8 May 2011

16th April 2011 - 23rd April 2011

Mummy says sorry to the grown up Harriet who is reading this as she hasn't been keeping up to date with my blog recently. We have been so busy that there hasn't been much time. Mummy is going to fill it in like this for the few weeks that she has missed.
On the Sunday 17th April, Tom had to go to work and me and Mummy stayed in all day. We packed my suitcase for the hospital, i liked packing it. I packed teddy's, the ones that Tom bought me and I took some drawing things, because i wanted to draw with Mummy and Tom at the hospital. Then Mummy told me that i could have all of my favourite things for dinner as it was the last time for a while that i will be able to eat proper food. I also ate lots of chocolate that day too, so much that in the end i didn't want any more.
This is what i chose to have, yorkshire pudding, mashed potato, pasta and carrots with gravy, it was yummy
After i finished eating my dinner, mummy gave me a bath and then it was time for bed. Mummy told me that in the morning i would be going to hospital, i was excited.
The next day, 18th April 2011, I woke up at 5am, saying i felt sick because i was hot. Mummy got me a drink and tried getting me back to sleep, i did for a little while but then was awake again. I still said i felt sick because i was hot. I kept running to the toilet to be sick, i was sick a little bit. We got up at about 5.20 in the end. Mummy gave me a big bottle of water as i was only allowed to drink water up until 6.30. Mummy done my hair, she done it in 5 french plaits so that when they done the operation, my hair was out of the way. I sat nicely for my hair to be done, and kept drinking too. At 6.30 mummy took the water away and i watched telly for a while. Tom got up not long after and we all got ready to leave. Nana picked us up at 7.15 and we all got in her car. At the hospital, i was still saying i felt sick. Mummy and Tom think it could be me feeling a little bit nervous about the hospital. There were lots of children waiting outside the ward, it was the ward i had my pre-assessment, the daycare ward and the one that i was waiting to go on, Robins ward that were both next to each other. Most of the children went into the daycare ward. There were just 3 of us waiting to go in the ward where i was going. A lady came and found us and took us all to a room where there were coloured, numbered chairs. We were sat on number 3 chairs, they were orange. A lady came over and asked some questions and had to fill some paperwork in. We were in this room from 7.30 until almost 12.30. I had magic cream put on both of my hands, that is for the butterfly straw that i was told about at my pre-assessment. When we had finished talking to doctors, nurses etc we were allowed to play. A play specialist found me some colouring and i sat and coloured for a little while, mummy coloured with me. The play specialist also found the fairy book that i wanted to look at when the sleepy medicine went in, we looked at that for a little while, it was good. Then mummy asked for a DVD player, so we watched some DVD's for a little while, but i was starting to get quite bored then. We were allowed to go to the out door play room then, i was really excited about that, Tom went with us too. Him and mummy sat while i played, i loved going on the small bike, wizzing round on it. We went back in after i played for a while, everyone else had gone from the big room now, mummy said they were having their operations. We sat for a bit longer and then the play specialist came back and said we could go to the sensory room if we wanted to, we did so she went to get the key. We all walked there and took our shoes off when we got in there, it was really good. It was dark in there, with lots of lights and buttons. There was a big, huge rocking chair and Tom sat in it and i sat on the edge, we were throwing big soft balls at each other and then Mummy was doing rolly polly'sthey put my butterfly straw in it. I could feel something happening to my hand, mummy could see that i was starting to get a little upset, so she started talking about the fairy book, we started looking for the fairies. When they gave me my hand back, they showed me the butterfly straw. I looked a little worried, but mummy made me laugh, we still looked for the fairies, then they said it was time to have my sleepy medicine put in. They put a syringe to the butterfly straw and i could see that it had white medicine in. Mummy told me to remember that i was going to count to 12, i had already started getting a little sleepy, then i started counting to 12 but really fast, i managed it, just, before i fell asleep. Mummy laid me on the bed and then gave me a kiss.
After my operation, i was in a strange room, called the recovery room. I saw mummy and Tom come in and i looked a bit sad. Mummy came straight over to me and touched my hand, she smiled and said hello to me. Mummy found it hard to not cry when she saw me, because i looked all sleepy and sad. I was wheeled back to the ward, where i had a bed. Mummy stayed next to my bed as they wheeled me down. When we got there, mummy lifted me up and put me on the bed carefully, she gave me a cuddle before putting me back on the bed. She put the sides up and asked if i was sleepy, i shook my head. i tried to talk and sounded croaky, mummy said i didn't have to talk and i tried saying i want to. My eyes started closing but i tried really hard to keep them open. Mummy put my telly on, near my bed, i was trying so hard to keep my eyes open to watch it. I finally gave in and closed them, but opened them every now and then, made sure mummy and Tom were still there and that my telly was still there and then closed them again. When i woke up again, i was a little more with it. Tom got my teddy's out and hid one behind the curtain, he played peek-a-boo with it and i smiled within 5 minutes of waking up properly. I watched DVDs in bed, Tom gave me my small cushion and i used it as a chin rest as i couldnt' hold my head up still. The nurse put a drip in my hand as i wasn't drinking very much, so i was having a drink through my hand, that was funny. My Nanny and Daddy came to see me, they stayed for maybe 5 or 10 minutes, not for very long. Then Nana and Chris came, they stayed for a while, talking to me and making me smile. I kept making the alarm go off, because the heart monitor was attached to my finger, i thought it was funny when it went off, mummy and Tom kept saying 'is that you again' to make me smile, it kept slipping off, which is why the alarm kept going off.  Tom had to leave, as it was nearly time for visitors to leave :-( so mummy walked him to the lift while nana and chris were still there.. They stayed with me until mummy came back. When they left, we played some of the card games that they had bought me. I was talking and smiling now, lots. I had a little bit of fromage frais at 9pm. Then rinsed my mouth out with water. Mummy sat in bed with me and we watched a DVD. Then mummy said it was time to go to sleep. I was sleepy and went to sleep quite quickly. In the night, the nurse had to wake me up twice to give me medicine.
The next day (19th May) i woke up at 6.30am and asked mummy if we could get up, she said yes. As soon as i was dressed, i wanted to go and play in the playroom. Mummy said if i had some fromage frais and water, then yes i could. I had a couple of mouthfuls of fromage frais, it felt funny and then i drank some water. Mummy was really pleased and let me go and play. I was wizzing round on the bike and mummy smiled to see me full of energy, she was worried that i would be sad, but i wasn't, i was talking fine, laughing, smiling, it was good fun. One of the play specialists told us that at 10.30am there is a magician, i had a huge smile, couldnt' wait. We went there together, he was really funny. Tom couldn't come to the hospital today, he was working :-( but he sent mummy lots of messages, asking if i was ok. He finished at 3, so was home not long after we got home. The nurses were really pleased with me, i ate some lunch too and they told me that i could go home :D yay. Mummy got all of my medicines and then phoned Nana and we waited outside the hospital for Nana to come and pick us up. The little boy who had a similar operation to me, Zach, wasn't allowed home yet because he still wasn't taking his medicine or having a drink or food :( his mummy was sad. Nana picked us up and i was a little bit quiet in the car. Don't know why because i had been talking all morning. When we got home, i was good and watched some tv, gave the kittens lots of cuddles. But when it came to taking my medicine, i screamed and cried and shouted. Tom was home too. Mummy got cross after she tried talking to me and explaining that i needed to take it, and i wouldnt' listen. Mummy says she was scared because she knew i needed to take it and mummy cried lots that night when i went to bed, because it had made her very sad :( i finally took my medicine and calmed down and then went to bed.
The next day, with the medicine again, i cried and shouted, didn't want it. I told mummy i didn't like the taste of it, but she told me that i needed it until it had run out because it is a little stronger than calpol. I finally took it again. On Thursday of the same week, mummy was finally able to swap the nasty tasting medicines for nice ones that i like, and from then on, i took my medicine really well, didn't cry at all.

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