Thursday 10 February 2011

Thursday 10th February 2011

When we got to mummy's work, she heated up my tomato soup and put it in my flask. Mummy made sure it was hot as she didn't know if the flask was very good or not. At lunch time my soup was too hot, so i ate my bread and butter (so my flask does work, yay) I ate it at after school club instead, it was cold by then, but i told rachel (my after school club teacher) that i liked it cold.
When mummy picked me up, she told me Tom was outside, I got all excited, I haven't seen Tom since Sunday because he's been working in the evenings this week :( i have been sad every night when mummy told me he wasn't home. I got all excited and ran out to find him, i ran up to him and sort of gave him a cuddle, leaning into him. We walked to the bus stop and mummy told me that we were going to make cookies when we got home, that is exciting. I want to make one bigger than my mouth! We waited til the bus came and then got on, we had to wait for a seat to be free so we could all sit together. Then i played games on mummy's phone while her and Tom talked on the way home. When we got home, i said hello to the kittens then washed my hands ready to cook. I wanted to help measure the stuff, but the scales mummy bought are rubbish. So mummy done all that and i added it into the bowl to mix. I stirred then mummy had a turn and then i had a turn. When it was time to put the chocolate chips in, i wanted to taste them, just to make sure they were okay, i had to have a few to make sure they were okay. Then i added them into the bowl. We put the mixture on to baking trays and mummy put them in the oven. I asked if i could lick the spoon and she said yes. I stood there and licked and licked some more and then had to sit down because my legs were getting tired, but i couldn't stop eating, i told mummy 'i just can't stop eating, my hand wont stop' i carried on til i had none left. I then went into the living room and waited til mummy called me to say the cookies were ready. I was really excited because there was a really big one and i wanted to eat it all up.  Mummy wouldn't let me eat it all though, because it was really big. I ate a bit of that one and then another one too (just a small one)

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