Thursday 17 February 2011

Thursday 17th February 2011

At 5.49 am i shouted to mummy saying 'is it time to get up now, i want to get up before you' mummy explained that it was still really early and i laid quietly til 6.30 then mummy let me get up.
When mummy picked me up from after school club today, i went up and gave her a cuddle (i always do) but today i looked a bit sad and my right eye was a bit gunky and i said it was sore. We went to the toilet (i had to show mummy where to go because it was upstairs, i liked showing her where to go in my school) when we walked to the bus stop, mummy phoned the doctors and asked for an appointment. We had one for 6.10pm. On the bus i played games on mummy's phone with mummy. When we got off the bus, Tom was waiting, i like it when Tom meets us. We walked to the shop quickly because i wanted a chocolate. Tom said my eye looks sore. On the way home, Tom had told mummy that there is a box at home, they asked me if i had ordered anything, i haven't, they asked me what i thought it could be. I didn't know. Mummy told me that it was something Tom had found on the internet for me, it was for my birthday and got here today. When we got home, we opened it and it was full of plastic bags. Mummy asked me if i had ordered carrier bags, i laughed and said no. Then some of the bags at the bottom had things in. I took each piece out at a time, mummy and Tom found something to do with each piece, a telescope, wheels (they weren't any of them) Then we started putting them together, i found some drum sticks :-D i knew what it was then. I was excited and because i was, i had forgotten about my eye. Tom had to go on the internet and find a picture of it so mummy could put it together (the instructions weren't that good) Then it was all done, i stood up and started drumming (its an electric drum kit) i really liked it, but then it was time to go to the doctors. We put my drum kit in my bedroom and then left. When we got to the bus stop, the bus just left :-( but mummy had a good idea for walking to the doctors. There are lots of lines on the pavements and mummy said that there are sharks and crocodiles in the other bits, so we walked along, jumping over the bits that were all 'water' and then having to run over the bigger bits, i liked walking to the doctors. It was lots of fun. At the doctors i had to run to the toilet as i was desperate for a wee. Then i got a drink, i like the drink machine they have there. The doctor called us quite soon. When we got in there, he looked at my eye, he asked me to cover it and see if i could see with my good eye, then he looked in each one with a special torch. He told mummy i have conjunctivitus, he gave her a prescription and told her if i will let him, to make me an eye patch with cotton wool pads. He gave us some special tape to hold it on. When we left, we went to the pharmacist and picked my special gel up for my eye and then left. When we had walked a little way, mummy remembered about the cotton pads, so we went back, they didn't have any. Then we went to another shop near by, they didn't either. We waited for a bus, because i was starting to get quite tired now (seeing as i was awake so early) when the bus came, we sat together and played a game. We tried the shop at the end of our road, for cotton pads, they didn't have any either (mummy says sorry to the big girl, or woman harriet that is reading this now for the following hehe) So mummy bought some sanitary towels and we went home. Mummy cleaned my eye and put the special gel in it, that stung a bit, then she cut the sanitary towel up and made me an eye patch, i liked it and it didn't seem to hurt so much when it was covered. When it was time for my bed, which wasn't much later, mummy read me a story and i laid with my other eye closed, so i was just listening. I was asleep within about 5 minutes.

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