Thursday 18 November 2010

Thursday 18th November 2010

When mummy picked me up from school today, i was very tired, but we had to find spotty things, cos tomorrow at school i have to be spotty for children in need. We went to tesco, i really wanted some maltesers, i picked them up and mummy said no, i cried, then mummy walked away and said she was going, so i had to put them back. We went to a shop called boots then, cos tesco didn't have any spotty things. In boots i found a spotty bracelet and a spotty bandana. Then we left there and all the way to the next shop, i kept saying 'chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.......' we went in and there wasn't anything spotty, but i did get a bar of chocolate. On the bus, i ate it and i was soooooo tired that i fell asleep. I slept nearly all the way home and then mummy had to wake me up. I told her i couldnt' walk and i wanted her to carry me, she wouldnt' carry me off the bus, i stood still and she had to nearly drag me off the bus, cos she had 3 bags of mine and her own. I then held on to the chairs and she had to prise my fingers off so she could make me walk, sort of, off of the bus. When we got off, i was crying. She stood me down, spoke to me and i calmed down. Then she picked all my bags and her bag up and then me up too, i was heavy. We started walking and mummy said she couldn't see, i thought that was funny, cos mummy isn't tall enough to see over my head. Then we saw Tom coming towards us. I was still being a tired grumpy little girl then, but then mummy asked me if i wanted to walk on the wall and all of a sudden, i was awake. I walked on the wall and i was fine, but then at the end, i wanted to be carried again, so mummy said 'oh look, is that drain wobbly' so i ran off to see, then i jumped on all of them all the way home. Which is strange cos i was so tired a few minutes before.
At home, mummy found my Pudsey bear picture i need to colour in for school and then went to look for a headband for me to put some ears on. She came back with a white t-shirt, but no headband. I was allowed to draw spots on it, that was fun, i done dots at first, but Tom said it needed to be spots, so i drew spots, with mummy helping me to hold the t-shirt straight, cos it kept moving. I drew loads of them, then we coloured them in, mummy helped me. Mummy said that instead of my head band, i could use the gold cowboy hat that aunty Wendy bought me and put the spotty bandana on that instead, mummy showed me how, i liked that. I drew some ears and cut them out all by myself. I done red ones first, but then mummy showed me a picture of pudsey, he is yellow.
After we had finished, i had 3 cookies and then 2 yoghurts. Mummy and Tom kept laughing and i kept asking why they were laughing, mummy was tickling Tom and he was laughing lots, mummy ended up on the floor. Then i came over and tried licking Tom, with my yoghurt face, it was funny, he told me to lick mummy too, which i did. Then i licked Tom again, i liked that. Mummy told me it was bedtime, so we went to her bedroom and i chose some books (out of the ones that Tom bought yesterday) Then i went back in to the living room to say thank you to him, but i licked him, again and again. I laughed. He kept saying 'eurgh' which made me do it more. Then it was time for bed, i raced mummy to bed and i won, yes.
Mummy read me two books that Tom had bought for me, a spot one and one called Fred. I liked them. I read the others by myself. When mummy got out of the shower, i called her, 2 of the books Tom had got for me had gone down the side of my bed, mummy asked how and i told her they just did. So she had to pull my bed out and guess what she found, 3 of her books too, ooops.

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